Applied Nanotechnology and Nanotoxicology (ANT-2019): abstracts of Ill International School-Conference, October 10-13, 2019, Sochi, Russia [Electronic resource]
Language |
Английский |
Type |
Compilation |
9785906376268 |
Pages count |
142 |
The main topics are:
1. Nanotechnology
-Synthesis of novel nanostructured materials
-Unique physicochemical features of nanostructures
-Characterization methods for nanoparticles
-Nanosize effects in catalysis
-Nanotechnologies for green chemistry and clean energy
2. Nanotoxicology
- Toxicology of nanoparticles
-Toxicity of purified and non-purified nanomaterials, oxidative stress and antioxidants
-Tissue specific response to nanoparticles
-Recognition and clearance of nanoparticles
-Individual resistance/susceptibility to nanocontamination
-Animal models in nanotoxicology
-Nanomedicine (nanoparticles as carriers of pharmaceuticals; nanoparticle based contrast
agents; targeted delivery to pathology center; therapy with catalytically active nanoparticles;
nanoparticles in the transmission of external influences)